
# Web Development

PHP Development

Explore our PHP development course to enhance your skills with our expert guidance.

PHP development

Course Description

Let's talk about PHP Development

Are you excited to play with coding? Absolutely YES, it’s sounding like fun with code to make the website work. So, web development is the process of fabricating and maintaining websites for internet or intranet. It involves the technical and functional aspects of the website, like performance, capacity, speed, how to get data from server sides, and so on. Are you interested? If Yes, then you are on the right path, Tafrishaala, edu-tech platform, offers the best PHP development institute, also available in online mode. We will guide you from basic to advanced and enhance your skills and creativity. Let’s connect and enjoy your web development journey with our support.

• Why PHP?
• What is the use of PHP?
• How Php is better than its alternatives (Asp.net, Java, Perl etc.)
• Unique features of php?
• What is a web server?
• Understanding Client and Server Architecture.
• How php works with web server?
• Understanding PHP Architecture.
• Hardware and Software requirements.
• Installing and Configuring WAMP/MAMP servers

• Basic PHP syntax.
• Creating your first PHP script.
• Mixing PHP with HTML.
• Storing and Destroying variables.
• Understanding PHP datatypes.
• Testing for a specific datatype.
• Manipulating variables with PHP Operators.
• Dynamic variables.
• Type casting.
• Strings in PHP.

• Using If-else statement
• The ternary Operator. (Using? Operator).
• The if-elseif-else statement.
• The Switch Statement.

• The while statement.
• The do-while statements.
• The for statement.
• Understanding Break, Continue statements.
• Mixing if-else, if-elseif-else statements with loops.
• Nesting Loops.
• Summary.

• Working with PHP inbuilt String functions and their practical use.
• HTML Strings
• Using Numeric functions.
• Summary

• What are arrays?
• Use of arrays.
• Declaring an array.
• Storing data in arrays.
• Different types of arrays.
• Nesting of arrays.
• Multi dimensional Arrays.
• Associative arrays.
• Looping through arrays.
• PHP Special array Iterators (foreach loop and Array iterators).
• PHP in-built Array functions and their use.
• Making a practical use of arrays.
• Summary

• What is a function?
• Defining a function (User defined functions).
• Returning values from a function.
• Dynamic function calls.
• Variable scope.
• Accessing variables with global statement.
• Accessing variables with static statement.
• Understanding arguments and parameters.
• Setting default values for arguments.
• Passing arguments to function by value.
• Passing arguments to function by reference.
• Testing for a function existence.
• Returning multiple values from a function.
• Making practical use by Building code libraries for code reusability.
• Reusing Code.
• Using Include() and require()

• Sending Text Email with php.
• Adding Html and Graphics to Emails.

• Objects oriented programming
• Define a class
• An Object, Creating an object
• Object properties
• Objectmethods
• Object constructors and destructors
• Class method invocation.
• Access Modifiers.
• Class constants & Class inheritance
• Abstract classes and methods
• Object serialization
• Checking for class and method existence
• Exceptions, Iterators and Summary

• Understanding UNIX timestamp.
• Generating a timestamp for now.
• Generating timestamp for a particular date.
• Associative Array of date and time.
• Formatting date and time.
• Understanding timezones.
• Useful date and Time functions and their uses.
• Validating dates.
• Practical Use in projects.

• Creating a file dynamically with PHP.
• Reading and Writing text files.
• Copying data from one file to another file.
• Deleting a file.
• Working with directories.
• Creating and deleting files inside directories.
• Checking for file existence.
• Determining file size.
• Creating your own Visitors counter for website.

• Forms.
• Super global variables (_POST, _GET, _REQUEST etc.).
• A script to acquire user inputs.
• Handling user inputs.
• Accessing User inputs.
• Combining HTML with PHP code.
• Using hidden fields
• Redirecting users

• Uploading Images.
• Uploading PDF and Other useful files.
• Validating uploaded files.

• What are Regular Expressions?
• Use of Regular Expressions.
• Understanding the basics and Rules of Regular Expressions.
• Joining and Splitting strings.
• Comparing Strings.
• Matching patterns.
• Finding Matches.
• Matching and replacing strings with Regular Expressions.
• Modifiers, Breakup Strings.
• Creating useful applications (like: Swear word filter).
• Validating Form data.

• What is php GD ?
• Basics of php graphics.
• Drawing basic figures.
• Making JPEG, JPG, PNG, GIF images with php.
• Image manipulations and Effects with php.
• Cropping and Resizing Image with php.
• Creating Image thumbnails.
• Rotating an Image with php.

• Understanding Cookies.
• Types of Cookies.
• The use of sessions and cookies.
• Creating and deleting a cookie.
• What are Sessions?
• Starting a Session.
• Working with Session variables.
• Destroying Session variables.
• Passing sessions Ids.
• Authenticating and Authorizing users, using Sessions.
• Practical Applications of Sessions and Cookies.
• Making a website “Remember Me” style form.

• Introduction to Ajax.
• The relationship with Javascript.
• Ajax using XHTML and Javascript.
• XMLHttpRequest Object
• Ajax using XMLHttpRequest
• Ajax Using JQuery and Javascript.
• Submitting a Form without page refresh using Ajax and JQuery.
• Making Practical Applications
• Facebook Style adding Comments Using Ajax.
• Google Style Auto Search Suggestions using Ajax.

• Introduction toMySQL
• Introduction to PHP MyAdmin
• Connecting to the MYSQL
• Selecting a database
• Adding data to a table
• Acquiring the value
• Finding the number of rows
• Inserting data
• Entering and updating data
• Executing multiple queries
• Exporting and Importing data tables

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